Weird News


Robbers stealing from a taxi in Lima, Peru

This article is about a gang in Peru robbing people while they are sitting in traffic. Since January they have stolen more than $46,000. The robberies have been in Peru’s capital city of Lima. The gang members target people that are waiting in traffic. They break the car’s window and rob whoever is in the car. Some people tried to fight back, but an elderly woman who tried to fight back realized that the robbers had a gun so she just handed over her purse. “After weeks of undercover surveillance, agents with the Peruvian National Police surrounded the suspects Monday as they were allegedly trying to again rob people stuck in traffic in the Barrios Altos neighborhood of Lima” (CNN). Four of the suspects have been caught, but the police are still looking for four more. “One of the suspects is 23 years old and the other three are only 18, police said. They’re all being charged with armed robbery, illegal possession of a firearm and conspiracy to commit a crime” (CNN).

            I found this article shocking because the robberies were happening in broad day light. I also found it shocking because none of the people in the cars around the ones being robbed tried to do anything about it. The robberies just kept reoccurring in the same city while people were sitting in traffic. I feel like the robbers should have been caught sooner than they were with the amount of people around during the robberies. I am glad that most of the robbers got caught, and I hope that the other robbers are caught soon. It is ridiculous that the people in Lima cannot even sit in their own cars in traffic without the fear of being robbed by a group of gang members. They all need to be caught and locked up in jail.



Work Cited

Johnson, Peter. “Peru Gangs Target Drivers Stuck in Traffic.” ABC News 57. N.p., 22 Feb. 2013. Web. 22 Feb. 2013.

Romo, Rafael. “Peru Gang Targets People Stuck in Traffic.” CNN. Cable News Network, 20 Feb. 2013. Web. 22 Feb. 2013.


-Jenna Timmons



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